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Director - R&D
Dr. R.Mukhopadhyay did his B.Sc. from University of Calcutta and M.Sc & Ph.D (Applied Chemistry) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. He also graduated in Chemical Engineering from The Institution of Engineers (I).
Started his career in the 70’s as a Faculty in Applied Chemistry at I.I.T, Kharagpur. Subsequently joined Bayer India (Rubber Chemical Division). He is the Director & Chief Executive of Hari Shankar Singhania Elastomer & Tyre Research Institute (HASETRI) since its inception in 1991 and Director (R&D) of JK Tyre & Industries Ltd. since 2001.
He has got more than 48 years of experience in Education, Training and Research in Rubber Science and Tyre Technology. He is a Visiting Faculty at different IITs and national universities in India. He has to his credit more than 180 research and Technical Papers in National & International journals and seven Patents from his research work. Under his guidance ten scientists did their Ph.D from different universities/IITs.
He is the Chairman of Indian Rubber Institute (IRI) Governing Council and Fellow Member of Indian National Academy of Engineers (FNAE), The Institution of Engineers India (FIE), Indian Rubber Institute (FIRI), American Chemical Society-Rubber Division, Indian Society of Analytical Scientists, Indian Institute of Quality etc.
Member of BSI Asia Pacific Certification body impartiality committee, Hongkong; Certification Advisory Committee, DNV GL, Oslo, Norway; GC Member of Rubber Skill Development Centre, (RSDC), NSDC, Govt. of India; Board of Studies (Chemical Engineering), JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur; Research Advisory Board, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur; Research & Innovation Council, JSS S&T University, Mysore & Advisory Board of Techno India NJR Institute of Technology, Udaipur
He is also a Lead Assessor of different Quality Management Systems and different Business Excellence Models. He is a member of Advisory Board of Certification Services, British Standards Institute (BSI), India and BSI APAC Certification Body Impartiality Committee (CBIC), British Standards Institution (BSI) Asia Pacific Region.